Armchair conversation – Focus on the National Housing Challenge
Date & Time
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Daniel Silver Josée Bégin Ima Okonny Jim Dunn Aled ab Iorwerth

This session will be moderated by Daniel Silver, Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto, and former CRDCN Board member and Academic Director. Confirmed speakers include: Josée Bégin, Assistant Chief Statistician, Social, Health and Labour Statistics Field at Statistics Canada; Ima Okonny, Chief Data Officer, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC); Aled ab Iorwerth, Deputy Chief Economist, CMHC; and Jim Dunn, Associate Dean, Research Faculty of Social Sciences, McMaster University; Director, Canadian Housing Evidence Collaborative (CHEC). This session will be a wide-ranging multi-disciplinary conversation about the national housing challenge. Together, the panel will explore key data, research and policy issues related to this critical issue for Canadians, including the intersection with economic and social development, immigration, education, health and support for vulnerable populations.

Location Name
Sheraton Ballroom Centre/East / Salle de bal Sheraton centre/est
Full Address
Sheraton Hamilton Hotel
116 King St W
Hamilton ON L8P 4V3
Session Type